September 4 – 5 – 6th, L’AQUILA TRACK

September 8 – 9th, L’AQUILA ROAD

September 11th, MARATHON L’AQUILA

The European Championships will be held from Septembre 4th to Septembre 11th, 2022, in L’Aquila at the sports facility of the club CPGA (Centro Polisportivo Giovanile Aquilano).


The Federazione Italiana Sport Rotellistici, in co-operation with the Centro Polisportivo Giovanile Aquilano (CPGA) with the City of L’Aquila, with the Abruzzo Region Authority will organise the Speed Skating European Championship of Youth, Junior and Senior.
It is a privilege for the Organising Committee, CPGA, to accept such an honourable distinction from World Skate Europe – Speed Skating Committee, to organise such an important competition.
We will be done the utmost, together with the Regional Bodies, to the Mayors of the Municipalities concerned and partners, to deserve such distinction, engaged as we are in the realisation of this event, it is our intention to ensure full success from all points of view, social, sport and organisational


The European Championships will be held according to the international rules established by the official competent bodies for this competition. The official Program is attached.



Questo evento è stato realizzato grazie al contributo ottenuto nell’ambito del Piano di Sviluppo e Coesione Abruzzo (PSC) 2000-2020/PAR FSC. Abruzzo 2007-2013 cofinanziato dal Programma Attuativo Regionale del Fondo per le Aree Sottoutilizzate.

Progetto finanziato con risorse PAR-FSC Abruzzo 2007-2013 Linea di azione I.3.1. C”. + CUP C64J22000280001